Senegal, a country of « Teranga » (welcome) by tradition, has much to win in favoring foreign investment on its land and the development of business relations with our neighbors.
American Chamber of Commerce in Senegal (AmCham) is an association which promotes business relations between the United States of the Americas and Senegal in order to improve the business environment for American companies in Senegal.
Through various activities, AmCham has been able to achieve its lofty objectives, namely to encourage trade between Senegal and the United States and to liaise with the Senegalese government and its agencies throughout the country on trade-related issues and industry. We continuously create value for our members and facilitate business-to-business relationships.
The services we offer to our members include the organization of trade missions in both countries, the sponsorship of training courses, conferences and seminars led by leading authorities in different fields, offering members and non-members a platform form of discussion on topical issues concerning the economy. in general. We also work in partnership with organizations and in achieving their goals.

Vision, Mission and Core Values
VisionTo be a credible and essential channel for the promotion of trade and services between Senegal and the United States.
Advance economic cooperation between Senegal and the United States by promoting trade and services that enhance trade relations and the prosperity of the two countries.
Valeurs fondamentales
• Integrity
• Direction
• Collaboration
• Commitment
• facilitation
Goals and objectives
• Promote the development of trade, investment and industrial technological relations between the public and private sectors of the Federal Republic of Senegal and the United States of America.
• Promote and develop economic, cultural and social interests between Senegal and the United States.
• Promote and develop contacts, foster mutual understanding and encourage healthy and ethical commercial relations between Senegalese and Americans in the business world.
• Foster relationships with other chambers of commerce in Senegal and the United States.
• Encourage the creation of chamber chapters throughout Senegal
• Promote consideration of all matters relating to Senegalese-American trade, investment and commerce and communicate this information to its members and to the Senegalese-American community
• Create and maintain a room for people and organizations concerned and interested in the above objectives, which will provide a forum for identifying and discussing common business interests